Medical Acupuncture
A Powerful Treatment Tool
Acupuncture is a very old medical art that originated in Asia, and uses methods of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and function. This involves insertion of very fine, sterile needles at precise acupuncture points. Sometimes heat, electrical stimulation or manual manipulation of the needles is used to further encourage energy flow.
Acupuncture has been studied, used and elaborated upon in many parts of the world and can be powerful as adjunct or stand-alone treatment for many medical conditions. Although it is most often associated with pain control, especially here in the US, it has many applications including prevention of illness, promotion of health and well-being, and addressing physical problems related to stress, tension and emotional conditions.
Medical acupuncture is the term used to describe acupuncture performed by a doctor trained and licensed in Western medicine who also completes training in acupuncture as a specialty practice. As a physician acupuncturist, Dr. Castleman has completed 300+ hours of medical acupuncture training plus additional advanced courses and has had extensive hands-on experience. She often combines acupuncture and OMT as part of your treatment plan, and both can support wellness goals in mind body medicine, but acupuncture or OMT alone are also options.
For more information on conditions treated and what to expect, please refer to the links below.